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Hectre Begins Avocado Image Collection
Fruit Sizing App
Brought to you by:
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Image collection for avocados has now begun!
This marks the first stage of the build for the Spectre for Avocados model.
With the Spectre for Pears model well underway, it’s not too big a leap for Spectre to start crunching the numbers on avocados, after all, avocados are also known as the “Alligator Pear”. Pear makes sense due to it’s pear shape contour. But alligator? Turns out the name “alligator pear” originated from the rough skin similar to the hide of the swampy alligator beast.
Massive growth across the past ten years has seen the world avocado market increase in size by almost four times. As of 2019, more than 7 million metric tons of avocados were being produced globally each year. That’s a whole lot of yumminess and a whole lot of growers and packers that could be supported with Spectre data!
Hectre customer, Costa, Australia’s leading grower, packer and marketer of fresh fruit and vegetables, has been busy snapping photos of bins of beautiful avocados on Spectre and sending them our way. This type of customer collaboration is always fantastic and something we value greatly.
The next step in our Spectre for Avocados project, will be reviewing measurement data and running grader comparisons as we build and tune the model.
For now though, enjoy these fun facts and amaze your workmates with your outstanding avocado knowledge!
Here’s some inspiration for your next avo experience! (We’re not sure about that shake though…)
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