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July 2023 New Features and Product Enhancements
New Features
Brought to you by:
Aaron Croft
Product Innovation Lead
We have soooo many updates and enhancements for our valued Hectre customers! Included this month is exciting news about the Hectre Spray Module, more automation for Spectre Top Down, plus further enhancements to Spectre Color.
First, let’s take a look at what’s new with Spectre (for Hectre Orchard Management App enhancements and last month’s releases, please scroll further down).
Spectre Top Down Automation Trial
Expected Release Date: Late July 2023
Hectre is bringing even more automation to packhouse operations!
We are now finalizing the Spectre Top Down Automation Trial. This project will deliver further operational efficiencies for Spectre Top Down customers as they gain huge early size samples.
How will it work? Quickly and simply. When a receiving ticket is scanned, or the weigh scale button is pressed, Spectre Top Down will automatically get data from your ERP or IMS, automatically create a Spectre group, and automatically start detecting and sizing fruit in the bins on the top layer of incoming trucks.
This will provide even more efficiency to the receiving process, reducing the overhead on QC staff at receiving, whilst delivering the massive size samples only Spectre Top Down can.
If you’re interested in Spectre Top Down automation for next season, please contact our team today.
Expected Release Date: August 2023
Even more benefits for our Spectre for Color customers!
With color being such a critical component of a fruit’s grade, we’ve been working on further enhancements to bring even more value to our Spectre for Color customers. Driven from customer insights and our continual innovation approach, we’re adding automation to Spectre for Color, to make access to early color data even easier than before.
Included in the upcoming update, will be features to increase color consistency, reduce human error, and further reduce the information that needs to be entered when creating a Spectre group.
Released End of June 2023 – In your hands right now!
Our teams have been committed to delivering even greater cherry sizing accuracy to our customers for this US cherry season! This has involved continually evaluating and refining our Spectre for Cherries models, honing the accuracy tighter and tighter.
We released the enhanced Spectre for Cherries model at the end of June and have already received fantastic feedback. Enjoy!
Expected Release Date: End of July 2023
As announced last month, great progress is being made with the Spectre for Android project.
If you haven’t heard already, our award-winning early fruit sizing AI app, Spectre, will soon be available for Android users! Spectre has already been empowering growers and packers across the industry, providing valuable data and insights on the size distribution of their fruit. Now, with Spectre soon to be available on Android, even more users can gain these benefits.
Hectre QC API
Released Early July 2023 – Available Now!
We’re excited to share that you’re now able to directly connect the Hectre API to the current analytics tools that you use day-to-day. This enables all the QC information you’ve collected through the Hectre app to be easily accessed and displayed for more detailed analysis.
This is the first of many APIs we’ll be bringing to Hectre customers to deliver even greater access to fantastic data.
More access to more data = more informed decision-making.
If you would like to access the Hectre QC API, click here to view instructions.
Not sure what an API is? API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface. Simply put, API’s help different applications to talk to each other, a bit like a translator. APIs help you to access, extract and share data. APIs are all around us! Every time you use a rideshare app, send a mobile payment, or change the thermostat temperature from your phone, you’re using an API.
Add Photos to Staff Profiles in the App
Released Early July 2023 – In your hands right now!
In one of our latest updates to the Hectre mobile app, we’ve delivered some more great simplicity.
If you want to have photos of your staff on their Hectre profiles to assist with identification, this is now super easy to do. Simply tap the profile icon of your team member and you will be given the choice to either upload a photo from your device, or take a photo of them right then using the camera option.
Enhanced Location Navigation
Released Early July – In your hands right now!
It’s now even easier to review your harvest numbers by location on your mobile device for both Buckets and Bins. This brings even greater efficiency for Hectre Orchard Management Software customers, particularly those working with high volumes.
With this latest release, we have added search functionality plus the ability to add sub-blocks. This means you can drill down through layers, from orchard, to block, to sub block, to gain strong insights on your picking volumes.
Volume Amount Enhancement
Released Early July 2023 – In your hands right now!
You now have the ability to add decimals when entering volume amounts within your picker’s timesheets.
How does this help? Let’s say you have 2 members in your team who’ve picked 5 bins of apples. You can now record that each of those team members have picked 2.5 bins in the timesheet, which saves you from any additional editing.
Released Early July – In your hands right now!
If volume has been logged during timesheet creation, you will now be able to see the unit volume in the summary view of the timesheets module within the mobile app.
This means you can identify volumes easily and quickly for each timesheet and see what the units are i.e. bins, trees, etc.
New Payroll Module View for Unassigned Bins & Buckets
Hectre Payroll. Released: June 6
We’ve refined the way you view unassigned bins and buckets on the dashboard, expanding the view to make it easier for you to navigate the list of unassigned bins and buckets. The larger display ensures you can clearly see all the relevant information, allowing for a smoother and more efficient workflow.
Enhanced Location Navigation & Search Functionality
Hectre Insights. Released: May 18
A recent release of an enhancement to the Insights Module makes it even easier to view insights for a specific location. This new enhancement also comes with a new search function, enabling you to search by variety, orchard, block, or sub-block to bring up insights from around the orchard – a valuable addition for farms with numerous locations.
Enhanced Cherry Bucket Tracking with Bucket IDs
Hectre For Cherries. Released: May 18
With Hectre’s latest enhancement for cherry growers, you can now view Bucket IDs when viewing cherry buckets on the Hectre app. This enhancement allows for quick and efficient bucket tracking for an even more efficient workflow.
Turbocharged Size & Color Processing!
Spectre Hand-Held / Spectre Top Down / Spectre Dashboard. Released: May 1
This update is all about giving you the best possible experience with Spectre. Image processing for size and color is now twice as fast on average, making your experience even smoother and more efficient.
During peak season, when Spectre Top Down data loads are extremely high, results have been improved from 70 to 2.4 minutes, meaning you can receive valuable Spectre data faster than ever before.
We hope this massive gain delivers even more value to your operation!
Compare An Individual Grower’s Results with the Overall Average
Spectre Dashboard. Released: May 9
Spectre customers who pack, market and/or sell for numerous growers, can compare an individual grower’s results with the grower average. This provides an easy way to analyze grower performance and identify growers who may need to lift their game.
That’s a wrap… for now! More fab features and enhancements coming your way soon!
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Prawa autorskie 2024 Hectre, Ltd.