This month, we’re excited to share new updates relating to Spectre for Android, the upcoming release of our Hectre QC API and additional features to make your workflow even more efficient.


First, let’s take a look at what’s new with Spectre (for Hectre Orchard Management App enhancements and last month’s releases, please scroll further down).


Coming Soon: Spectre For Android


Expected Release Date: July


We are excited to share that our award-winning early fruit sizing app, Spectre, will soon be available for Android users! Spectre has already been empowering growers and packers across the industry, providing valuable data and insights on the size distribution of their fruit. Now, with Spectre soon to be available on Android, even more users can gain these benefits.


Stay tuned for more updates on Spectre for Android.


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Enhanced Spectre For Cherries Accuracy


Spectre For Cherries. Expected Release Date: End of June


We’ve been making ongoing improvements to the accuracy of Spectre for Cherries. You can expect this cherry season to have even more accurate early cherry size data.

Hectre API Integrations

Upcoming Release Of QC API For Even More Access To Data


Hectre APIs.


Expected Release Date: End of June


We are excited to share that we’ll be releasing the new QC API at the end of June.


What this means is that you’ll be able to directly connect this Hectre API to the current analysis tools that you use day-to-day so that all the QC information you’ve collected through the Hectre app can be easily accessed and displayed for more detailed analysis.


This is the first of many APIs we’ll soon be providing to give you even easier access to your data.


Contact us if you’re interested in connecting to the QC API.


More access to data = more informed decision-making.

Hectre Mobile

Improved Location Navigation


Hectre Insights. Expected Release Date: End of June


Coming up later this month, we’ll be releasing further improvements to make reviewing your harvest numbers by location on your mobile device even simpler, saving you even more time.


Last month, we released location improvements for the Timesheet view, with work currently underway to match this location navigation improvement across both the Buckets and Bins views.


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Add Staff Photos Via iPad


Hectre Timesheets. Expected Release Date: Mid July


Shortly, customers using Hectre’s Orchard Management software will be able to add staff photos directly through the Timesheets module on their iPad. This will make capturing photos of your crew members even simpler and faster, saving you more time.

Recent Releases

Orchard Management Enhancements

New Payroll Module View for Unassigned Bins & Buckets


Hectre Payroll. Released: June 6


We’ve refined the way you view unassigned bins and buckets on the dashboard, expanding the view to make it easier for you to navigate the list of unassigned bins and buckets. The larger display ensures you can clearly see all the relevant information, allowing for a smoother and more efficient workflow.


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Enhanced Location Navigation & Search Functionality


Hectre Insights. Released: May 18


A recent release of an enhancement to the Insights Module makes it even easier to view insights for a specific location. This new enhancement also comes with a new search function, enabling you to search by variety, orchard, block, or sub-block to bring up insights from around the orchard – a valuable addition for farms with numerous locations.


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Enhanced Cherry Bucket Tracking with Bucket IDs


Hectre For Cherries. Released: May 18


With Hectre’s latest enhancement for cherry growers, you can now view Bucket IDs when viewing cherry buckets on the Hectre app. This enhancement allows for quick and efficient bucket tracking for an even more efficient workflow.

Spectre Enhancements

Turbocharged Size & Color Processing!


Spectre Hand-Held / Spectre Top Down / Spectre Dashboard. Released: May 1


This update is all about giving you the best possible experience with Spectre. Image processing for size and color is now twice as fast on average, making your experience even smoother and more efficient.


During peak season, when Spectre Top Down data loads are extremely high, results have been improved from 70 to 2.4 minutes, meaning you can receive valuable Spectre data faster than ever before.


We hope this massive gain delivers even more value to your operation!


Compare An Individual Grower’s Results with the Overall Average


Spectre Dashboard. Released: May 9


Spectre customers who pack, market and/or sell for numerous growers, can compare an individual grower’s results with the grower average. This provides an easy way to analyze grower performance and identify growers who may need to lift their game.


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That’s a wrap… for now! More fab features and enhancements coming your way soon!

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