Knowledge is power
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Watch customer interviews, learn about the latest fruit technologies, and gain valuable insights to support your success.
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Packhouses are gaining a 4000% increase in their early size sampling, simply and quickly.
Hear how, including an interview with premier Washington fruit packer, Monson Fruit, and the advantages their business is gaining with this tech.
Paying your people correctly is important… and getting it wrong can put you on the wrong side of the law.
In this 30 minute webinar video, you’ll learn how technology like digital timesheets and payroll tools can support growers.
With mounting costs and labor pressures, time wasted means paper-based orchard management is no longer acceptable.
Learn how you can accurately streamline your processes, saving both time and money in the long run.
QC practices during harvest make a huge difference to packouts – both in a good way… and a bad way.
Getting the best return from your biggest outlay is crucial to farm performance. Learn how digital QC tools can improve your packout.
Reliable fruit size data is critical for success. It has a major impact on the pick, the packout, and revenues.
How can you make your best decisions when the information you’re getting is not accurate and reliable? Size matters and you need to get it right.
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