
the right size and color with less defects

See the slowest/fastest pickers, check if they meet size and color specs, and get real-time alerts if they don’t

100+ samples from just a photo

Instantly capture accurate size and color data with AI

Real-time alerts

Receive real-time alerts if your pickers are too slow or not picking to the right specs

Works offline on both iOS & Android

Hectre’s solutions work offline and are compatible with iOS & Android devices

Picker Productivity Features

Manage the performance of your pickers in a data-driven way across three dimensions

Lift picking speed and capture fruit size in the field

  • See instant feedback on size for each bin 
  • Ensure pickers leave undersize or oversize fruit on the tree
  • Set notification triggers for speed and size
  • Monitor bins per hour in real time
  • Manager Dashboards: view data on pickers, teams
  • Reduce your packing costs and increase your packout rates
  • Pricing starts from $290 per year

Increase picker productivity and ensure the right color

  • Capture color data from just a photo, getting instant results from 100+ samples to improve your pick on the go
  • Set flexible color guidelines, such as no green backgrounds or at least 75% dark red coverage on fruit
  • Easily configure color grades to match packhouse’s grading standards
  • Monitor bins per hour in real time
  • Set notification triggers for speed and color
  • Reduce your packing costs and increase your packout rates
  • Pricing starts from $290 per year

Identify poor picker performance early and fix it

  • A simple system to record defects on fruit
  • Compare your pickers’ quality of work with the quantity of bins picked
  • Set notification triggers for speed and defects
  • Manager Dashboards: View picker, team, and defect data
  • Reduce your packing costs and increase your packout rates
  • Pricing starts from $290 per year

Calculate your potential packout rate improvement with our easy-to-use calculator

Discover how much you can increase your packout rate with the Picker Productivity suite

The results will be emailed to you within the next 2 minutes

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Customer Success Stories

Discover how growers are gaining the advantage with Hectre

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Hectre’s real-time size and color data ensures we achieve the highest quality harvest and gain better prices for our fruit.

Paolo Rabbiosi

Co-Owner, Fratelli Rabbiosi

200+ Staff

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With Hectre we can monitor picker performance throughout the season, gaining data-driven insights for targeted improvements.

Brett Kast

Farm Manager, Kast Farms

200+ Staff

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Reliable QC records help ensure we have the highest quality fruit and that we compete in markets that are increasingly asking for more accurate QC tracking.

Canaan Balck

Orchard Production Manager, Hoddy’s Fruit Company

150+ Staff

Integrating for your benefit

We streamline your workflow with fast onboarding and payroll integrations, ensuring compliance and ease of use. Our team constantly adds new integrations to enhance value for our customers. Let’s discuss integrating your preferred software to optimize your operations.

Case study: Kast Farms

Discover how fifth-generation New York apple grower Kast Farms leveraged the Hectre App to enhance their QC processes, improve efficiencies, reduce labor costs, and utilize more reliable data for more informed decision-making.

Case study: Fratelli Rabbiosi

How Fratelli Rabbiosi uses Hectre’s fruit sizing and color grading in the orchard to enhance the quality of their harvest and maximize their profits.

Supercharge your fruit

Reach out to learn how Hectre’s practical solutions can support the success of your operation.